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Mobility and transport

Cathy Clerbaux, Professor

" Lockdowns around the world have resulted in factories shutting, less commercial activity and fewer cars on the road and planes in the sky - reducing emissions to unprecedented low levels. Satellite data for monitoring atmospheric changes can track the drop in pollutants and make a first guess on that of climate gases. It is the largest ever 'global air pollution experiment'. "
Funding: ERC-advanced IASI-FT project
Publication References: https://iasi-ft.eu/covid-19/ https://erc.europa.eu/news-events/magazine/erc-researchers-explore-lockdown-life
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Damien Simonneau, Postdoc researcher

" The pandemic is questioning the evolution of multilateralism with an a priori return of States as first line manager. However, paradoxically the need for a coordinated approach both at the global (UN) and European levels appears crucial. We monitor multilateral regulations in border management and control of mobility during and after the pandemic. "
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Jean-Marchal, Professeur Emeritus

ULiège - Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium
" "The skills in the field of transport-mobility concern the following elements: - general strategy for developing a integrated mobility plan - design of an integral mobility plan - demand analysis - supply analysis - attractiveness-competitiveness analysis - transport modeling - transport and technology - transport and environment - - transport Chain – logistics (SCM) - choice of investments from a business point of view and from a community perspective the skil see before" "
Funding: retired : no more research fundings expertises for international organizations (world bank, FAO...) and governments
Publication References: see "Orby and OPen Acess" in the website of University of Liège
Contact: see before
Comment: The skills and expertises define herewith are the only ones concerned with COVID-19.

Jean-Michel Lafleur, FNRS Research Associate - Vintila Daniela, Doctor - Konstantinidou Angeliki - Wenger Carole - de Heusch Félicien - Mandin Jérémy,

ULiège, Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies - FNRS
" Protecting the diaspora? COVID-19 and the emergency policy measures of European countries for their citizens residing abroad Abstract: In a context of increased migration and overexposure of mobile individuals to social risks, the social protection of diaspora populations has become an area of concern across Europe. However, there is still substantial variation in how EU Member States respond to the needs of their nationals residing abroad. Such variation is also observed in the emergency measures that European countries have adopted for their non-resident nationals in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. In the framework of the ERC-funded project "Migration and Transnational Social Protection in Post(Crisis) Europe" (MiTSoPro), researchers from the Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies of the University of Liege will collect data on EU states' policy (re)actions affecting their diaspora populations, from travel restrictions...

Martin Erpicum, CEO of Mesydel and researcher

ULiège + Mesylab SRL
" How to securely return to normalcy at work? All countries consider to lift the lockdown, but few have executed it. There are no "best practices". Questions abound: What are the risks? What are the most effective measures? Will communities follow? What are the consequences for our individual lives? Who decides how to proceed? AIMS OF THE PROJECT GIGA aims at defining the best possible approach to opening up again by involving its members. Your opinion matters. GIGA has sought assistance in conducting this real time experiment from political scientists, philosophers, lawyers and medical doctors. "
Contact: This project is supported by the GIGA office and is coordinated by the ad hoc Advisory Committee made up of expert political scientists in participation (Dr. F. Thoreau, Dr. C. Parotte, Dr. P. Delvenne, Dr. C. Fallon), a political and ethicist philosopher (Dr. F. Caeymaex) and doctors (Dr. Y. Beguin, Dr. G. Darcis).

Philippe De Doncker, Professor - François Horlin, Professor - Jean-François Determe, Doctor

" We developed a sensor network system that estimates and forecasts crowd counts in outdoor and indoor areas. The counts and forecasts are available in real-time through a web service. The system allows authorities and owners to manage and control social distancing measures. The system is ready for installation and use. "
Publication References: J-F Determe, U. Singh, F.Horlin, Ph De Doncker, « Forecasting Crowd Counts With Wi-Fi Systems: Univariate, Non-Seasonal Models », IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020
Contact: Prof. François Horlin (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) Prof. Philippe De Doncker (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Pierre Schaus, Professor

" www.covidata.be We gather data about the Coronavirus in Belgium, and attempt to extract meaningful information from it. We use open and/or public data to enable these analyses. "
Funding: No funding
Publication References: Work in progress
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact us

c/o F.R.S. - FNRS

Rue d’Egmont 5

B - 1000 Bruxelles

Tél : +32 2 504 92 11


Brussels & Wallonia against COVID19