Votre navigateur ne supporte pas le javascript Wallonia & Brussels against COVID-19 - Birgit Quinting, PhD, teacher HELMo - Marine Joris, PhD, Research Fellow, CRIG - Florence Mahy, PhD, teacher HELMo- Frédéric Oprenyeszk, PhD, Research fellow, CRIG - Olivier Jacquemin, MTL student, Master thesis - Sylvie Bodart, Lab technician , HELMo

Research Center

Birgit Quinting, PhD, teacher HELMo - Marine Joris, PhD, Research Fellow, CRIG - Florence Mahy, PhD, teacher HELMo- Frédéric Oprenyeszk, PhD, Research fellow, CRIG - Olivier Jacquemin, MTL student, Master thesis - Sylvie Bodart, Lab technician , HELMo

CRIG, research center of HELMo (Haute école libre mosane)
" As the COVID-19 pandemic still progresses every day, time is running out to find solutions. It is therefore in everyone's interest that the active forces work together. It is in this spirit that HELMo and its Centre of Research CRIG made their experts available. A team of teachers from the Medical Laboratory Technologist curriculum reinforced by researchers of the CRIG contributes to enhance the capacity of direct testing, by assessing a new q-PCR diagnostic method developed by Dr. N. Gillet’s team (UNamur). UNamur provided the diagnosis protocol to HELMo consisting in two main steps: first, the inactivation and extraction of genetic material from the sample (smears taken from the nose and throat), and second, the identification of SARS-Cov-2 virus-specific gene by qPCR. However, the "Trizol" reagent - used for the extraction of genetic material - could quickly become a limiting reagent, as it is used by all diagnostic laboratories around the world. While quick alternatives for RNA extraction are available, most of them are not yet validated. Therefore, the HELMo-CRIG team will carry out a comparative study of different extraction methods. The objective is to develop and validate a fast extraction that can be transferred in all clinical labs without the need of specific equipment."
Funding: Own funds.
Publication References: Coupeau D., Burton N., Lejeune N., Loret S., Petit A, Pejakovic S., Poulain F., Rubiano LA., Wiggers L., Willemart K., André E., Laenen L., Cuypers L., van Ranst M., Bogaerts P. , Muylkens B., Gillet N. (2020) SARS-CoV-2 detection for diagnosis purposes in the setting of a research molecular biology lab v2020_03_26 SARS-CoV-2 detection for diagnosis purposes in the setting of a research molecular biology lab, Namur.
Contact: Quinting Birgit PhD Senior scientist, CRIG and Teacher, HELMo This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Brussels & Wallonia against COVID19