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Emmanuel Di Valentin, Doctor

ULiège, GIGA
" There is no effective antiviral treatment for SARS-Cov-2 which is responsible for the current pandemic. Research efforts are therefore focused on the rapid development of vaccines and the evaluation of antiviral drugs. Testing the effectiveness of these on virus cultures is laborious and requires a BSL3 environment. In order to be able to evaluate (quickly and in safe conditions) the effectiveness of the various drugs acting against this virus, cells expressing Sars-Cov2 viral enzymes will be generated. In these cells, enzymatic activity would be easily quantifiable using a reporter system. In a first phase of our project, different FDA-approuved drugs will be tested, hoping to identify some that will be effective against viral enzymes. "
Contact: Dr. Emmanuel Di Valentin Platform manager University of LIEGE (ULiege) Giga Viral Vectors Platform Tour GIGA B34 (+4) CHU Avenue Hypocrate 1 B-4000 LIEGE (Sart Tilman) Tel. +32 (0) 4 366 45...

Emmanuel Slautsky, Professor - Julien Pieret, Professor - Daniel Dumont, Professor - Elise Dermine, Professor

" La gestion politique de la crise sanitaire du COVID-19 et de ses conséquences suscite un nombre important de questions juridiques. Quels sont les rôles respectifs de l'État fédéral, des régions et des communautés? Quelle place le droit belge reconnaît-il aux « experts » dans la décision publique? La lutte contre la pandémie est-elle compatible avec nos droits fondamentaux? Quelle est l'incidence de la crise sur la situation des travailleurs en Belgique? Quelles sont les possibilités d'indemnisation par la sécurité sociale pour les personnes ne disposant plus de revenus en raison du confinement? Face à ces questions, le projet de recherche poursuit deux objectifs complémentaires. Premièrement, il entend analyser, sur le plan du droit, les dispositifs mis en place pour gérer la crise du COVID-19 et atténuer ses conséquences socio-économiques. Deuxièmement, il vise à tirer les leçons de cette gestion dans l'urgence en évaluant les forces et les faiblesses des dispositifs déployés et...

Eric Haubruge, Professeur ordinaire

" Development of Methods for Mask and N95 Decontamination (the DeMaND study) and reuse for healthcare workers at the frontline The aim of this study is to identify and test, simple low-cost safe decontamination methods to enable medical masks and N95/ FFP2 respirators reuse in healthcare settings where there are critical shortages. "
Funding: Open Philanthropy
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Eric Haubruge, Professeur ordinaire - Etienne Thiry, Professeur ordinaire - Georges Daube, Professeur ordinaire

"DECONTAMINATION AND REUSE OF SURGICAL MASKS AND FILTERING FACEPIECE RESPIRATORS The global test protocol, presented in this project, aims to assess: a) the effectiveness of several decontamination methods with regard to integrity (""barrier"" function) and the quality of surgical masks and filtering facepiece respirators FFP2/N95; b) the efficacy of these decontamination methods on the inactivation of a coronavirus, similar to the SARS-CoV-2 virus present on surgical masks and filtering facepiece respirators FFP2/N95. Moreover, the present project aims to set up a consortium of companies and laboratories to meet the diverse and varied requests for ""reuse"" of various medical protective equipment (masks, filters, clothing, etc.) linked with the environmental approach."
Funding: Walloon Government
Contact: https://www.news.uliege.be/cms/c_11717821/fr/l-uliege-coordonne-le-projet-wallon-de-decontamination-des-masques-chirurgicaux-et-de-protection-respiratoire-ffp2...

Eric Muraille, Docteur en Science, FNRS Senior Research Associate

" During the Covid-19 crisis, I participated in a multidisciplinary research group (biology, medicine, economy) whose objective was to define a deconfinement strategy taking into account public health and economic requirements. We have published several articles for policy makers (VOX-EU), scientists (Nature medicine) and the general public (The Conversation). "
Publication References: Rapidly identifying workers who are immune to COVID-19 and virus-free is a priority for restarting the Economy. Dewatripont, M., Muraille, E., Platteau, J.-P., Goldman, M. VOX-CE, 23 March 2020. https://voxeu.org/article/rapidly-identifying-workers-who-are-immune-covid-19-and-virus-free-priority-restarting-economy Preparing for a responsible lockdown exit strategy. Gilbert, M., Dewatripont, M., Muraille, E., Platteau, J.-P., Goldman, M. Nature Médicine, 2020. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0871-y Covid-19 : comment une stratégie de doubles tests permettrait de sortir du...

Etienne CAVALIER, Professor

ULiège, CHU de Liège, CIRM
" This study aims at measuring the activity of the Angiotensin-2 enzyme (AT2) by LCMS./MS in COVID patients. This enzyme plays a key-role in the mechanisms of the infection by the SARS-COV2 "
Funding: Fondation Leon Fredericq
Contact: Professor Etienne Cavalier Department of Clinical Chemsitry University of Liège, CHU de Liège This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Eugen Pircalabelu, Professor

" The project we propose here focuses directly on modeling the evolution of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. The strategy we use is based on a mix of parametric and non-parametric models with the direct purpose of making short-term predictions of the immediate effects of the virus, as well medium-term forecasts of the evolution of the virus in the population. It provides new methodological aspects that combine the flexibility of non and semi-parametric statistical models with deterministic epidemiological models in order to build new, better statistical models that take into account this information regarding the life of the virus in the population. "
Funding: Planning on applying for the "Projets Exceptionnels de Recherche" at FNRS for mid-may.
Publication References: Not yet available
Contact: Eugen Pircalabelu Institute of Statistics, Biostatistics and Actuarial Sciences ISBA – LIDAM UCLouvain Voie du Roman Pays 20, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium...

Fabrice JOURNE, Doctor - Alexandre LEGRAND, Professor - Jean-Marie COLET, Professor

" Development of a Covid-19 serum library within the UMONS biobank. Collection and storage of samples (serum, blood or urine samples as well as nasopharyngeal samples) from patients diagnosed with Covid-19 positive or negative by an RT-PCR test. Collaboration between UMONS and Ambroise-Paré hospital (Mons) as well as Epicura hospital network (Baudour, Hornu). "
Funding: UMONS logistic and fiinancial supports
Contact: UMONS Biobank Prof. A. legrand, Manager Dr. F. Journe, Coordinator

Florence SCHLEICH, MD, PhD

ULiege, CHU, GIGA I3
" Are obstructive diseases risk factors for developing pulmonary complications due to COVID19? We will include all patients followed up at CHU of Liege for COVID19 infection and classify them according to their underlying bronchopulmonary disease. The aim is to evaluate if asthma, severe asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases represent risk factors for developing pulmonary complications during COVID 19 infection. We want to find out biological or clinical predictors of complications. We also want to evaluate efficacy and safety of inhaled corticosteroids in asthma in case of COVID infection. Biomarkers will be measured at baseline and during follow-up. "
Funding: Fonds Leon Frederic
Contact: Schleich Florence, MD, PhD This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

François Chaumont, Professor - Catherine Navarre, Dr

" Production of SARS-Cov-2 glycoproteins in glyco-engineered plant suspension cells to obtain homogenous and predefined N-glycosylation profiles, characterize their binding and/or produce vaccine. "
Funding: Own funding and WALInnov
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. UCLouvain/LIBST

François Dufrasne, Dr. - Benoit Kabamba-Mukadi, Pr.

" This study aims to assess the potential roles of spike glycoproteins and viral proteins encoded by ORF6, ORF7a, ORF8 and ORF10 in the antagonism of several known restriction factors (BST-2, GBP5, IFITM, ...) and in the modulation of innate immune responses (NF-kB pathway and IFN response). These proteins will be expressed in different cell models and we will define their ability to bind and/or degrade restriction factors. Depending on results, we will perform sequencing (NGS) of these genes from clinical isolates in order to observe whether the genetic variability can be linked to the pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 viruses. "
Funding: Own funds
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Francois Dupont, Team Leader - Jean-Michel Redouté, Professor - Samuel Dricot, Technician - Gabriel Digregorio, Teaching assistant/ PhD Student

“ Microsys Laboratory takes part in 3D printing of protective visor elements for care staff. This activity is enabled by the recent acquisition of a high-performance 3D printer and takes place within the framework of an ongoing project aimed at developing technologies in the field of microsystems, sensors and packaging.”
Funding: Projets compléments FEDER Micro+ (conventions 1510608 et 1510609)
Contact: Francois Dupont - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

François Fuks, Full Professor

Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics, ULB, Faculty of Medicine - Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium
" In recent years epigenetics has become an essential component of biological research, playing key roles in many physiopathological conditions. Recent work in viral epigenetics highlighted these modifications as an essential mechanism in modulating many viruses life cycles. To date, whether this holds true also for SARS-CoV-2 remains unknown, let alone the potential use of epigenetics inhibitors as novel antiviral therapy against SARS-CoV-2. • To address these unanswered questions and to respond to the current international urge of new therapeutic approaches against COVID-19, our study, which would uncover a link between epigenetics and SARS-CoV-2, aim to provide innovative advances for SARS-CoV-2 biology and therapy: • Overall, we will generate a comprehensive dataset aiming at expanding further our understanding of the biological functions of epigenetic modifications in the SARS-CoV-2...

François JOURET, Professeur - Pierre Delanaye, Professeur - Jean-Marie Krzesinski, Professeur Ordinaire

ULiège - FNRS
" L'atteinte rénale semble fréquente et précoce dans la COVID-19. Sa physiopathologie est inconnue. Le but de cette étude est de caractériser cette néphropathie nouvelle causée par le SRAS-Cov-2. Nous réalisons une biopsie rénale post mortem chez tout patient décédé dans le cadre d'une infection COVID-19 en salle d'hospitalisation ou aux soins intensifs (SI). L'étude se focalise sur la corrélation anatomo-clinique. L'étude histologique inclut (i) une description conventionnelle des compartiments glomérulaire, tubulaire et interstitiel ; (ii) une détection immuno-histochimique des antigènes viraux du SRAS-Cov-2 et leur distribution préférentielle dans chaque segment du néphron ; (iii) une caractérisation de l'infiltrat inflammatoire éventuel ; et (iv) une microscopie électronique. "
Funding: Fondation Léon Frédéricq ULiège (21.600 euros) FNRS (en attente) Société Francophone de Néphrologie (en attente)
Contact: Pr dr François JOURET Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de...

François Lambotte, Professor - Déborah Horlait

" We have ran two quantitative surveys (500 respondents, each) on employees experience of organizational communication during the covid-19 crisis. These two data collections will be followed by a collect of qualitative data through interviews. The aim is to measure the employees satisfaction during the crisis in contrast with a "normal" situation. This comparison will help to understand and identify key factors explaining employees satisfaction with communication practices. "
Funding: Déborah Horlait is funded by a doctiris grant. We have also the support of Moodfactory, the company hosting the doctiris research.
Contact: Déborah Horlait This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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c/o F.R.S. - FNRS

Rue d’Egmont 5

B - 1000 Bruxelles

Tél : +32 2 504 92 11


Brussels & Wallonia against COVID19