Sébastien Bette, Professor - Santo Raneri, Research and Teaching Assistant

" In view of the sanitary context, the UMONS Polytechnic Faculty has decided to replace its annual Créathon with a modified virtual version on the theme of containment. The professors at the origin of the initiative thus decided, in consultation with the academic authorities, to set up an activity whose objective was to enable students to meet (virtually) and to think about how, as engineers and citizens, they could put their skills at the service of society in this particular context. The question addressed to them was the following: "By what brilliant and simple means can we help our fellow citizens to better live the confinement and regain a smille? ». The 21 students who were present thus went through, during 4 hours of team work, the different stages of project creation (ideation, structuring of ideas, action plan of the selected idea and pitch) accompanied by their teachers. This session led to the presentation of 3 project ideas. The proposed solutions address well-known problems of containment such as access to activities at home, a collaborative approach to help with shopping or the proposal of innovative means of distance communication. Twelve of these students have also decided to continue the work and challenge the ideas put forward to consider the possibility of materializing them, in collaboration with the LME's YUMP student incubator in Mons. Two projects more specifically led to the development of solutions and received some media visibility. They are : - Help&Services: An application (under Androïd) bringing together individuals who make masks and those who need them. - ScreenConnect: A solution allowing to implement yourself a connected screen to give it to an isolated relative (and not equipped by other technological tools). This solution is particularly aimed at people in homes, dependent people, isolated people in hospitals, etc... "
Publication References: http://www.vivreici.be/dossier/idees/detail_help-services-une-application-pour-trouver-un-masque-en-tissu-pres-de-chez-soi?id=408944&fbclid=IwAR15YRi28qrEEt4rtbvMMNyLzoTcCxxr1geJe5d9kncnI-FNEyWj8Bc_d3c https://www.lavenir.net/cnt/dmf20200429_01471046/trouver-un-masque-grace-a-une-app https://www.rtl.be/belrtl/video/744809.aspx?fbclid=IwAR1V0jCmqPr8wTsktqg_iydUxPwKrYPk_voUGuWqS_CXtN969qnXKQhVrCw https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.isma.soli.ad&fbclid=IwAR2DfeJEo7pgyz3RJEHiEM80_IYTpij_PyKHESzoB6nrl2FqAPti-u-6kEM https://www.rtbf.be/auvio/detail_le-6-9-ensemble?id=2632331 (from 1:44:45)
Contact: Coordinating professor: Prof. Sebastien Bette (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) Help&Services: https://www.facebook.com/HelpServices-111304393854486/ ScreenConnect: https://screenconnectumons.wordpress.com/

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