Institut de Recherche Santé et Société (IRSS), UCLouvain
" In this period of confinement, the daily life of any parent who has to combine professional life and coordination of family life at home requires a whole reorganization. This reality is more intense when a parent accompanies a child with a serious illness or with a disability. The beginning of confinement rhymed with the end of the respite periods for these numerous families, since most of the institutions active in "Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles" cannot currently fully fulfill their mission or offer their home help services as they usually do. We hear it through the media, these parents are calling for help. A small group of pediatric professionals, experienced in respite care, is at the initiative of this approach: Répit-Solidaire, a platform intended for parents of sick or disabled children in French-speaking Belgium. It comes in the form of a website and a Facebook group. The main objectives are to provide information on existing resources and the various services still available, create links between parents to break the isolation by moderating an exchange and discussion group, create links between associations and respite care services, provide practical tips and tricks to relieve everyday life. "
Publication References: Dubois, A.-C., Cuvelier, S., Murinni, C. & Aujoulat, I. (2018) Avoir recours à du répit : regards sur la prise de décision des parents d'un enfant gravement malade. Pratiques psychologiques 24 2018 : 257–275. Dubois, A.-C., Aujoulat I. (2019). Accompagner l'enfant malade. In Barras C. & Manço A. (Dir.) L'accompagnement des familles. Entre réparation et créativité. Editions L'Harmattan, Paris, pp. 197-208 Dubois, A.-C. (2019). Co-construction d'une offre de répit pédiatrique den Région wallonne. Identification des critères de pérennité d'un projet novateur dans le système de santé. Faculté de santé publique, Université catholique de Louvain, 2019. Dubois, A.-C., Schell, M., Boland, M., Javaux, A. & Aujoulat, I. (2020) Répit et éducation thérapeutique : une réponse innovante aux besoins des parents d'un enfant porteur d'une maladie complexe. Résultats d'une recherche participative en Région wallonne (Belgique), soumis le 10 février 2020 à la revue « Education Thérapeutique du Patient/Therapeutic Patient Education.
Contact: Dubois Anne-Catherine, Infirmière pédiatrique et Doctorante en Santé Publique, UCLouvain - Maëlle Boland, psychologue et chercheuse, UCLouvain -