ULiège - Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium
" Analysis, in Brussels and Wallonia, of creation, daily management, and use of triage COVID-19 centers as well as satisfaction, suggestions of personnel working in these centers in order to develop a model for further crisis. "
Funding: FNRS: Urgent research credit submitted Possible extension to Flanders.
Publication References: Belche JL, Berrewaerts MA, Burette P, Lenoir AL, Duchesnes C, Giet D. Retrospective analysis of a suburban out-of-hours clinic in Belgium. Acta Clinica Belgica 2014, 69(5):341-347. Buret L, Duchesnes C, Giet D. Des dispositifs d'intégration clinique pour les situations complexes : aide fonctionnelle et défi normatif. Presse Médicale 2017, 46(11) :1113-1114.
Contact: JeanLuc BELCHE. Département de Médecine générale, Université de Liège. jlbelche@uliege.be
Comment: Promoteur : JeanLuc BELCHE Investigateur principal : Louise Joly Chercheurs associés : Béatrice Scholtès, Christiane Duchesnes Etudiante en médecine : Pauline Schaffner