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A. Botteaux, Pr. - C. Geydan, Pr. - A. Marchant, Pr. - C. Truyens, Pr. - F. Paulart, Dr - S. Goriely, FNRS Res. As. - A. Op de beeck, Pr. - G. Demuylder, Dr

ULB and European Center for prevention and Control of Diseases fellow - FNRS
" In support of clinical biology laboratories, the ULB has set up a diagnostic plateform in both Erasmus and Gosselies campus to face the epidemic of SARS-CoV2. The diagnosis relies on the detection of viral RNA in nasal swab. The COVID plateform has the capacity to analyse 500 samples per day, 7 days a week and relies on the expertise and skill of more than 200 volunteers. "
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Comment: List of all the volunteers who are working in the COVID plateform

A. Marchant - S. Goriely - N. Dauby - S. De Wit - O. Vandenbergh - C. Montesino - V. Mascart - V. Del Marmol - A. Le Moine - F. Andris - C. Gueydan - A. Botteaux - A. Matagne

ULB, CHU Saint-Pierre, Hôpital Erasme, ULiège - FNRS

" The project investigates the immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection in humans. Cohorts of patients and contacts are recruited and followed-up during several months following infection. Using systems serology and systems biology approaches, the quality and dynamics of antibody and cellular responses are analysed to identify correlates of protection against severe disease and to determine the duration of natural immunity to the virus. The project should provide insight in the host response to SARS-CoV-2 and should help define deconfinement strategies and develop prophylactic and therapeutic interventions against COVID-19. "
Funding: COVID 19 - ULB
Contact: Arnaud Marchant: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Stanislas Goriely: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Andrea Giammanco, FNRS Senior Research Associate

UCLouvain - FNRS
" We intend to evaluate the applicability of muon tomography for rapid and non-invasive monitoring of lung status in patients with acute pneumonia. This enhances treatment and helps to manage the flow of patients in an epidemic situation. Muons are elementary particles, freely and naturally produced in cosmic-rays interactions in the upper atmosphere. A collaboration has recently been set up between the muon tomography group of UCLouvain, the University of Tartu (UT), the National Institute for Chemical Physics and Biophysics (NICTP) in Tallinn, and the start-up company GScan, to study a new approach in muon tomography. Although originally developed for the detection of explosives and drugs in luggage-size objects (patent application PCT / EP2019 / 055333, deposited by the Estonian partners), we have indications that this method can be used to assess the lung status of covid-19 patients. The advantages of the method are: it is sensitive to material and density, there...

Annick Sartenaer, Full Professor - Alexandre Mauroy, Professor - Nicolas Franco, Ph. D. - Sébastien Clesse, Ph. D.- Morgane Dumont, Ph.D. Student

UNamur - FNRS
" Professors and researches from the Department of Mathematics and the naXys research institute of complex systems at UNamur gathered their skills and expertise in mathematical modeling, dynamic systems, statistics, control theory and numerical optimization to develop prediction and unlockdown monitoring models of the Covid-19 epidemic. They set up a consortium in mathematical modeling of the Covid-19 epidemic bringing together all the universities of the Wallonia Brussels Federation, in synergy with its equivalent in Flanders. "
Contact: Annick Sartenaer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) Alexandre Mauroy (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) Nicolas Franco (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) Sébastien Clesse (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) Morgane Dumont (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Antoine FROIDURE, Professor - Jean-Philippe DEFOUR, Professor - Anabelle DECOTTIGNIES, FNRS Senior Research Associate

UCLouvain, Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc - FNRS
" "Telomeres are non-coding DNA sequences located at the end of chromosomes. In highly dividing cells, like embryonic stem cells and germ cells, telomeres are maintained by the telomerase complex. In the absence of telomerase activity in normal somatic cells, telomeres shorten after each cell division, ultimately leading to cell senescence or apoptosis. Telomeres are thus considered as ""molecular biological clocks"", closely related to ageing. Short telomeres syndromes (STS) have been identified, that are linked to genetic mutations affecting compounds of the telomerase complex, or proteins with crucial roles in telomere protection, and resulting in various conditions including lung fibrosis and aplastic anaemia (1). Bone marrow failure in STS results from the premature exhaustion of hematopoietic stem cells and, overall, tissues from STS patients suffer from premature senescence that likely drives the organ failures...

Caroline Huart, MD, PhD - Bernard Hanseeuw, MD, PhD - Valérie Hox, MD, PhD - Pascal Kienlen-Campard, PhD- Vincent Van Pesch, MD, PhD

UCLouvain and Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc - FNRS
" Anosmia has been reported to be a major symptom of COVID-19. Since high viral loads are found in the nasal cavity of patients and since single-cell analyses found that olfactory sustentacular and stem cells highly express ACE2 and TMPRSS2, it is suspected that cells of the olfactory neuroepithelium are a preferred target of the virus. Some COVID-19 patients present with neurological symptoms. Interestingly, it has been reported that the former SARS-CoV, can ascend intracranially, possibly via the olfactory nerves. Since olfactory receptor neurons form a direct connection between the nasal cavity and the brain, we hypothesize that these cells act as a gateway towards the brain in some patients. The main aims of the projects are (1) to investigate the pathophysiology of COVID-related olfactory dysfunction and (2) to investigate whether olfactory receptor neurons could be the entry site of SARS-CoV2 to the brain. "

Cécile OURY, FNRS Research Director

GIGA - ULiège - FNRS
" Covid-19 is associated with a high risk of thrombotic disease, both in the venous and arterial circulations. As President of the Belgian Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis (BSTH), I am coordinating the creation of national algorithms for thromboprophylaxis and anticoagulation of Covid-19 patients by a group of experts. These algorithms will be included in the Sciensano Covid-19 guidelines. "
Publication References: In preparation
Contact: Cécile Oury, PhD President of the Belgian Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis Research Director F.R.S.-FNRS Head of the Laboratory of Cardiology GIGA-Cardiovascular Sciences University of Liège (B34) 1 Avenue de l'Hôpital 4000 Liège (Sart-Tilman) Belgium Tel: +32 (0)4 366 24 87 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cecilia Rizcallah, Doctor

" My research focuses on the protection of the rule of law in the EU. I am notably analysing the tools at the disposal of the EU to fight against the rule of law backsliding currently at work in several Member States. The Coronavirus crisis has amplified the challenges in that regard : several states have been using the fight against the epidemic as an excuse to restrain the guarantees flowing from the rule of law. I will tackle this issue in my research. "
Funding: F.R.S.-FNRS
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Christina Schmidt, Chercheuse qualifiée FNRS - Christine Bastin, Chercheuse qualifiée FNRS - Fabienne Collette, Directrice de recherches FNRS

" "La situation de confinement que nous traversons en raison de la crise sanitaire actuelle est une situation inédite, pouvant avoir un impact sur la charge mentale, la fatigue ressentie au quotidien ainsi que la qualité de notre sommeil. Le confinement modifie aussi plusieures dimensions susceptibles d'impacter la qualité des souvenirs autobiographiques. Le nombre et la variété des loisirs diminuent, le contexte des journées change peu et nous avons moins de contacts avec des personnes variées. Par ailleurs, la menace du virus peut modifier notre vision de l'avenir, avec l'impression qu'on pourrait avoir moins de temps à vivre qu'on le pensait (Cartensen, 2006). Nos souvenirs autobiographiques de la période avant le confinement et d'événements vécus pendant le confinement pourraient être modifiés en termes de degré d'épisodicité et de valence émotionnelle. Le projet est réalisé sous forme d'un questionnaire en ligne et vise généralement à explorer une association entre la...

David Alsteens, FNRS Research Associate

UCLouvain - FNRS
" We developed protocols to measure the interaction between single virus and living cells and monitor the effect of blocking molecule interfering with the virus binding. "
Contact: Dr. David Alsteens UCLouvain/ LIBST This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Eric Muraille, Docteur en Science, FNRS Senior Research Associate

" During the Covid-19 crisis, I participated in a multidisciplinary research group (biology, medicine, economy) whose objective was to define a deconfinement strategy taking into account public health and economic requirements. We have published several articles for policy makers (VOX-EU), scientists (Nature medicine) and the general public (The Conversation). "
Publication References: Rapidly identifying workers who are immune to COVID-19 and virus-free is a priority for restarting the Economy. Dewatripont, M., Muraille, E., Platteau, J.-P., Goldman, M. VOX-CE, 23 March 2020. https://voxeu.org/article/rapidly-identifying-workers-who-are-immune-covid-19-and-virus-free-priority-restarting-economy Preparing for a responsible lockdown exit strategy. Gilbert, M., Dewatripont, M., Muraille, E., Platteau, J.-P., Goldman, M. Nature Médicine, 2020. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0871-y Covid-19 : comment une stratégie de doubles tests permettrait de sortir du...

François JOURET, Professeur - Pierre Delanaye, Professeur - Jean-Marie Krzesinski, Professeur Ordinaire

ULiège - FNRS
" L'atteinte rénale semble fréquente et précoce dans la COVID-19. Sa physiopathologie est inconnue. Le but de cette étude est de caractériser cette néphropathie nouvelle causée par le SRAS-Cov-2. Nous réalisons une biopsie rénale post mortem chez tout patient décédé dans le cadre d'une infection COVID-19 en salle d'hospitalisation ou aux soins intensifs (SI). L'étude se focalise sur la corrélation anatomo-clinique. L'étude histologique inclut (i) une description conventionnelle des compartiments glomérulaire, tubulaire et interstitiel ; (ii) une détection immuno-histochimique des antigènes viraux du SRAS-Cov-2 et leur distribution préférentielle dans chaque segment du néphron ; (iii) une caractérisation de l'infiltrat inflammatoire éventuel ; et (iv) une microscopie électronique. "
Funding: Fondation Léon Frédéricq ULiège (21.600 euros) FNRS (en attente) Société Francophone de Néphrologie (en attente)
Contact: Pr dr François JOURET Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de...

François Reniers, Professor - Carine Van Lint, FNRS Research Director - Anne Op De Beeck, Professor

" Because of the persistence of viruses on surfaces, they represent Indirect transmission vectors of diseases. If many antibacterial surfaces exist, virucidal surfaces are more challenging. This project aims at developping Superior virucidal surfaces. This project is a collaboration between the ChemSIN (synthesis of surfaces), the laboratory of Molecular virology and the Centre for Diabetes Research of ULB "
Funding: ULB Walloon Region (requested) FNRS (requested)
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

François Reniers, Professor - Carine Van Lint, FNRS Research Director - Anne Op De Beeck, Professor

" Inactivation of viruses on surfaces, textiles, surgical Tools, or any 2D or 3D object cannot always be performed using chemicals. This project aims at inactivating viruses using various atmospheric plasma sources, and study these mechanisms of inactivation. "
Funding: ULB Walloon Region (requested)
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Contact us

c/o F.R.S. - FNRS

Rue d’Egmont 5

B - 1000 Bruxelles

Tél : +32 2 504 92 11


Brussels & Wallonia against COVID19