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Sandy Tubeuf, Professor - Dominique Vanpee, Professor

UCLouvain - Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium
" TThe project US3R is a general population survey that will measure the magnitude of utilised, postponed and foregone medical care in relation with other health care needs than coronavirus symptoms during the confinement period in Belgium. The study aims to describe the magnitude of unsatisfied health care needs for various types of care. It will also identify the reasons for these postponed and foregone care according to gender, health status, geographical location and socioeconomic status. "
Funding: Budget Jeune Académique UCLouvain (Sandy Tubeuf)
Contact: Sandy Tubeuf, PhD Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Comment: Voir: https://uclouvain.be/fr/decouvrir/presse/actualites/coronavirus-avez-vous-renonce-a-des-soins-medicaux.html Lien vers l'enquête : https://uclouvainph.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8D3WX8lH34Lf6LP

Sarah Galdiolo, Professor

" The outbreak of COVID-19 and the lockdown are undoubtably stressful (CDC, 2020; Liu et al., 2020). However, little is known about the influence of the lockdown on couple and family relationships. The goal of the present study is to investigate the longitudinal impact of the lockdown on couple and family relationships (i.e., distress, conflicts, problem-solving and aggression). Participants (N = 500) are completing 4 waves of data accross the different government announcements. An actor-partner interdependence model will be used to assess the dyadic developmental trajectory of partners. "
Funding: N/A
Contact: Sarah Galdiolo This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sarah Galdiolo, Professor

" The outbreak of COVID-19 is undoubtably stressful (CDC, 2020; Liu et al., 2020). However, little is known about what types of stress individuals perceive across contexts and cultures (for notable exceptions see Kim, Sherman, & Taylor, 2008; Falconier, Randall, & Bodenmann, 2016). The goal of the present study is to investigate the perceptions of individual, relational, and systemic stress associated with COVID-19 for individuals in a romantic relationship living across the world. Specifically, this project will examine cross-cultural differences between various countries in Africa (Ghana), Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, and South Korea), South Asia (India and Pakistan), Eastern Europe (Hungary, Romania, and Russia), Northern Europe (Belgium, Ireland and the United Kingdom), Southern Europe (Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Turkey), Western Europe (Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland), Middle East (Israel), North America (Canada and the United States), and South...

Sébastien Bette, Professor - Santo Raneri, Research and Teaching Assistant

" In view of the sanitary context, the UMONS Polytechnic Faculty has decided to replace its annual Créathon with a modified virtual version on the theme of containment. The professors at the origin of the initiative thus decided, in consultation with the academic authorities, to set up an activity whose objective was to enable students to meet (virtually) and to think about how, as engineers and citizens, they could put their skills at the service of society in this particular context. The question addressed to them was the following: "By what brilliant and simple means can we help our fellow citizens to better live the confinement and regain a smille? ». The 21 students who were present thus went through, during 4 hours of team work, the different stages of project creation (ideation, structuring of ideas, action plan of the selected idea and pitch) accompanied by their teachers. This session led to the presentation of 3 project ideas. The proposed solutions address well-known...

Serge Goldman, Scientific Director

" The Center of Microscopy and Molecular Imaging (CMMI) is currently involved in establishing an accurate SARS-CoV-2 virus distribution topography in the organs and various cells of patients who died in COVID-19 units by providing immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy services (study director Pr. Isabelle Salmon). We have also developed and are currently offering preclinical multimodal quantitative imaging - of lung inflammation - of bacterial population (pathogen or no pathogen) - and of viral infection by isotopic imaging. All these models enable the understanding of pulmonary pathological features caused by SARS-viruses such as CoVID-19. From molecular to humanized animal models, the CMMI provides customized imaging solutions to research projects on Coronavirus The CMMI is also a proud partner of the ULB diagnostic platform set-up in Gosselies to face the epidemic of SARS-CoV2. "
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Comment: The CMMI was co-founded by ULB et UMons and is supported...

Serge Habraken, Professor

" The Centre Spatial de Liege is developing a process for mask recycling by cleaning, decontamination and dehydradation. The process combines ethanol/water mix cleaning with an innovative outgassing step under vacuum. The decontamination is already proven thanks to the collaboration with the Veterinary Faculty . The outgassing step aims to retrieve mask performance (mainly filtration efficiency) close to original. "
Funding: No, internal ULiege project
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Simon Dellicour, FNRS Postdoctoral Researcher

" Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, an unprecedented number of genomic sequences of the causative virus (SARS-CoV-2) have been publicly released. The resulting volume of available genetic data presents a unique opportunity to gain real-time insights into the pandemic, but also a daunting computational hurdle if analysed with gold-standard phylogeographic methods. We here describe and apply an analytical pipeline that is a compromise between fast and rigorous analytical steps. As a proof of concept, we focus on Belgium, one of the countries with the highest spatial density of sequenced SARS-CoV-2 genomes. At the global scale, our analyses confirm the importance of external introduction events in establishing transmission chains in the country. At the country scale, our spatially-explicit phylogeographic analyses highlight an impact of the national lockdown of mid-March on both the long-distance dispersal events and the dispersal velocity of viral lineages. Our...

Simone Marchini, Doctor

ULB, Erasme Hospital
" The outbreak linked to COVID-19 pandemic resulted in lock-down measures in almost all European countries. This research aims to assess these measures' implications on Mental Health in emerging adults. The online survey evaluate two psychometric variables (Resilience and Loneliness) and Mental Health status (mental health professional help-seeking, use of psychotropic drugs, or possible diagnosis) before and during lock-down measures. At least 600 healthy participants aged form 18 to 25 years old will be attended to fill the survey during the COVID-19 Pandemic lock-down measures. "
Funding: with the support of Julie Renson Fund, the Queen Fabiola Fund and the King Baudouin Foundation.
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Simor Péter, PhD

" FRAMEWORK: This is a collaborative project between the researchers of the UR2NF of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and the Institute of Psychology of the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest (ELTE). AIMS: To examine the bidirectional relationship between subjectively assessed sleep quality and daytime functioning with a special emphasis on the interplay between altered patterns of sleep timing, duration, and quality and daytime behavior, cognition, and affect during a 2- week long confinement period amidst the Covid-19 pandemic in Europe. PROCEDURE: Phase 1: Cross-sectional, on-line questionnaire assessing trait-like measures of Cognitive Disorganization, PTSD-like symptoms, and depression. Phase 2: Selected participants will receive questionnaires twice a day (morning, late afternoon) for 2 weeks. SPECIFIC HYPOTHESES: Subjective sleep disruption (assessed in the morning) will be associated with increased rumination, negative affect, psychotic-like experiences, and...

Sofia Morra, FNRS Research Fellow

ULB, Hôpital Erasme - FNRS
Lung injury, endothelial dysfunction and the role of RAAS during SARS-CoV-2 invection. " The first case of a person infected with SARS-Cov-2 virus can be tracked back on November the 17th, 2019, in China. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. On April 13, COVID-19 is affecting 210 countries and territories worldwide, about 2 million positive cases have been officially declared along with 115.000 deaths. The real number of infected and deaths is scarily higher, considering that up to 65% people are asymptomatic and thus, not tested. The percentage of patients with COVID-19 needed for intensive care unit (ICU) varied from 5 to 32% in Wuhan, China. It was up to 9% in Lombardy, Italy. According to available data from Lombardy, 99% of patients admitted to the ICU needed respiratory support (88% invasive ventilation, 11% non invasive ventilation). In this unprecedented time, while SARS-Cov-2 virus is halting...

Sophie Thunus, Professor

UCLouvain, IRSS 
" How the Covid-19 Pandemic changes the dynamics of meetings and organizations in the Health and Education Sectors? The containment measures deployed following the Covid-19 pandemic produced a partial, if not complete, shift to telework. In many sectors, virtual meetings are now at the heart of work organization and coordination. How do people feel about their virtual meetings? And what do virtual meetings say about our organizations ? To find an answer to these questions, we have distributed a survey within six Belgian universities (University Ghent, University Hasselt, VUB, UCLouvain, ULiège and ULB) and health care services and administrations. "
Funding: none
Publication References: https://www.lecho.be/opinions/carte-blanche/que-penser-des-reunions-virtuelles-qui-se-generalisent/10223471 https://uclouvain.be/fr/decouvrir/coronavirus-que-nous-apprend-la-pratique-des-reunions-virtuelles.html
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Comment: "Virtual Meetings in the...

Sophie Vanwambeke, Professor - Catherine Linard, Professor - Marius Gilbert, FNRS Senior Research Associate - Simon Dellicour, FNRS Postdoctoral Researcher

ULB, UCLouvain, UNamur - FNRS
" Since early March, we have monitored spatial features of the epidemic, and various possible spatial determinants of its progression, including demographic, socio-economic and environmental indicators. We are also investigating the predictive and explanatory value of various indicators of mobility. Since the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic in Belgium, we observed strong spatial patterns in the disease case incidence. Before confinement measures came into effect mid-March, spatial predictors such as population density, as expected, were correlated to incidence. After the confinement came into effect, many such predictors no longer affected recorded incidence. We have assembled a rich database of demographic, socio-economic, and environmental indicators at the municipality level to identify spatial correlates of disease transmission. These are expected to differ pre- and through confinement, and to change further after confinement. We are also working...

Souad Rahmouni, Doctor

GIGA-Institute, ULiège - FNRS - Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium
" The main objective of our research program is the identification of human genetic factors impacting the COVID19 pandemic. Within the COVID-19 host genetics initiative (https://www.covid19hg.org/), we will establish a shared set of phenotypes to be combined with genomic data for standard GWAS and further meta-analysis. Field of expertise of our laboratory : genetics, genomics, bioinformatics, immune-response related diseases. In addition, the GIGA Institute is an interdisciplinary research institute from the ULiege devoted to academic excellence in the biomedical sciences to foster ground-breaking medical innovation. It comprises 583 members attached to six faculties (Medicine, Science, Veterinary Medicine, Engineering, Agbiotech, Psychology) that are organized in four disease-based (neuroscience, cancer, infection-inflammation-immunity, cardiovascular) and two method-based thematic units...

Stefan Constantinescu, Professor

UCLouvain - Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium

Determination of Germ-Line Variations and Pathological Gene Expression that May Contribute to Immunopathology in COVID-19." The SARS-CoV-2 infection (1, 2), can be followed by a severe evolution with severe respiratory distress. We hypothesize that germline variants in genes involved in innate immunity, especially type I interferon induction and actions, predispose to delayed pathological response/cytokine storm. Our aims are to identify: i) such germ-line variants and ii) peripheral leukocyte gene expression that can predict unfavorable SARS-CoV2 infections. A group of SARS-CoV2 patients with unfavorable evolution, young and without co-morbidities (25) will be compared with an aged matched group of 25 SARS-CoV2 individuals with absence or a minimum of symptoms. Germ line DNA obtained from peripheral blood (PB) will be whole exome sequenced (WES) and analyzed with bioinformatics tools that are used for rare disease germline...

Stéphane CARLIER, Prof - Jean-Marie COLET, Prof - Fabrice JOURNE, Dr - Sven SAUSSEZ, Prof- Vincent RICHARD, Dr - Camélia ROSSI, Dr

UMONS and Ambroise-Paré Hospital Mons
" Predictive plasma signature of the clinical behavior of COVID-19 patients. The clinical presentation of COVID-19 infection varies from mild to asymptomatic to pneumonia, which can be complicated by severe respiratory failure and/or cardiovascular, renal, hepatic and cutaneous involvement. The understanding of such a polymorphism is very incomplete and the prognosis is difficult. Several tracks involving inflammatory reactions are currently favored to better explain this disease. In particular, the significant increase in plasma cytokines IL2, IL7, IL10, GSCF, IP10, MCP1, MIP1A and TNFα, known as "cytokine storm", seems to be significantly associated with the ARDS and multi-organ onsets. In this context, IL6 seems to play an important role and targeted treatments against this cytokine seem promising. Also, the infection of endothelial cells by the coronavirus causing endothelium inflammation have been suggested as one of the fundamental...

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Rue d’Egmont 5

B - 1000 Bruxelles

Tél : +32 2 504 92 11


Brussels & Wallonia against COVID19